I have orange on my face to represent my personality. Choosing a color that described me the best was hard. First, I knew that I was going to be a bright color because I am a happy, fun person. At first I thought yellow! But looking into it I found that yellow does represent bright and happy, however yellow also is very harsh color, and irritating. So then I thought maybe pink, but pink is a very adolescent color, and that is not the message I was trying to convey. Purple is my favorite color, but purple wasn't bright enough. Finally I came to orange, orange represents a good and cheery personality, while at the same time not overly bright, orange is also a "chill" color. Basically what I am trying to say is that orange is the relaxed yellow, it takes out the harshness.
The Works:
This was easy to set up, first I just got a newspaper and made a collage of it. Then I grabbed a bigger piece of newspaper and somehow (I still, to this day, don't know how I managed to work this out) worked it around my body to make a top that covered me but not the paint. Speaking of the paint, this is dry paint on my face. With my mom's help, we sprayed the areas I wanted paint with a squirt bottle and then, placing the paint in her hand, my mom blew the dry paint onto the areas, with a little tweaking here and there. I learned that paper does curl with a curling iron, that's what I did for the paper in my hair. As for the technicalities of the picture, I set up the light so that I had no shadow (two lights on either side of my face). I tried to also add a frontal light to even it out better but the light was way to harsh and caused a shadow in the background which I didn't want. Then I set up the "f-stop" and "the other setting that I cant remember the name of" on my camera for the right amount of light in the picture and placed in on a tripod. Then I just had my mom press the button. Eventually, I let my mom take the camera off of the tripod and work her own angles and such.
Finally the photo shopping. I am already very specific and hard on myself about my pictures, now you can imagine how hard I was on myself about a picture of ME! That's like a double whammy! Anyways, but I surprised myself with how well I did, and how much I liked my photo. So when it came to editing I didn't do that much. Simply, just a Levels to make more contrast and make it brighter as well as a Hugh/saturation set up, but I do that with every photo. Then I wanted to make my eyes stand out a bit. Doing this is easy with blue, or green eyes so brown may seem a little hard but its actually quite easy. Simply select both the iris' of the eye using you magnetic selection tool. Then your going to take the darken tool and darken the pupil area and darken the very edge around the iris so that it brings out the ringed effect that every eye has. Then your going to take the lighten tool and lighten the area's in between the two dark areas this creates a very attractive contrast. Sometimes with brown eyes after lightening them they look red, so you most likely will want to use Hugh/saturation on them to make them a slightly more brown color and make them brighter. Finally when your done you simply deselect and soften the edges with a blur tool just in case you can see where you selected the iris. And voila you have beautiful and bright brown eyes.
The rest of the photo shopping was easy, I added a layer and adjusted its opacity to about 20%, I used my drawing tool and drew "eyeliner" around the eye. I already had eyeliner on but this was to make it a smidgen darker, and I did the same with my eyelashes, I simply made another layer and lengthened my eyelashes by drawing over them with the drawing tool. For this picture I wanted the expression to stand out in my eyes, so adding this little effect with my eyeliner and eyelashes draws more attention to my eyes. To finish it off I cropped it and added that dark circle around the edges for a more professional/finished look.
All in all, it was a fun picture to take and a fun project. I must give props, by the way, to America's Next Top Model for the idea of dry paint on the face! :)
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